SMF Learning Journey Mission to Penang

SMF Learning Journey Mission to Penang

The SMF Learning Journey Mission to Penang, orchestrated by IA-Community of Communication 21 Media Group from November 15th to 17th, 2023, marked a significant success. This initiative provided an invaluable opportunity for participants to engage with key players in advanced manufacturing. The journey included visits to prominent establishments such as SAM Aviatron and Invest Penang, offering insights into the latest advancements and practices in the manufacturing sector.

A highlight of the event was the dinner networking session hosted by the Federation of Malaysian Foundry And Engineering Industries Association (FOMFEIA), which facilitated meaningful interactions and collaborations among industry professionals. The mission also included an official visit to the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (Penang Branch), further emphasizing the importance of industry connections and knowledge sharing.

Additionally, the delegation had the opportunity to visit SFP Technology, gaining a deeper understanding of the technological innovations in the manufacturing field. The journey concluded with a dinner networking session hosted by SAMENTA and a visit to Penang Technology Park, underscoring the mission's focus on fostering industry relationships and exploring cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. This event not only highlighted the vibrant manufacturing landscape in Penang but also demonstrated IA-Community's commitment to promoting industry growth and collaboration.