Official Meeting at Board of Investments Thailand

Official Meeting at Board of Investments Thailand

In 2009, Dr (h.c.) Benny Yeo was invited by Thailand's Board of Investments (BOI) to share his expertise and ideas on the establishment of the Alliance of Supporting Industries Associations (ASIA). The ASIA aims to provide an integrated platform for various supporting industries associations to collaborate and provide essential services to the manufacturing industries.

The proposed alliance was envisioned to promote knowledge sharing, technical expertise and capacity building among member associations. It will also facilitate the creation of a comprehensive database of suppliers, manufacturers and service providers, which can be used by the manufacturing industry as a one-stop solution.

Dr (h.c.) Benny Yeo, as a prominent figure in the industrial automation industry, brought his extensive knowledge and expertise to the discussion. His valuable insights and suggestions were highly appreciated by the BOI and other representatives present at the meeting.

IA-Community's participation in this initiative highlighted the organization’s commitment to fostering collaborative efforts in the manufacturing industry. As a key player in the industrial automation sector, IA-Community is dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the industry by supporting initiatives that encourage cooperation and knowledge sharing.