Inauguration of IoT Association Malaysia

Inauguration of IoT Association Malaysia

On 8th September 2016, Dr (h.c.) Benny Yeo, the Group CEO of catTHIS Holdings Corp and the Founder of IA-Community, was invited to attend a meeting at Malaysia's National Applied Research And Development Centre (MIMOS) under the Ministry of Science, Technology And Innovation (MOSTI). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the establishment of an IoT Association in Malaysia, and Dr Yeo was invited to give his valuable advice and insights on the matter.

With his vast experience in successfully creating the IA-Community and inaugurating the FMM-ATIG, Dr Yeo was a highly respected figure in the industry, and his advice and ideas were highly sought after. Dr Yeo spoke passionately about the potential of IoT and how it could revolutionize the industrial and digital technologies in Malaysia.

His insights were highly valuable, and he gave practical advice on how to establish and run the IoT Association effectively. His suggestions covered various aspects of the Association, including its objectives, structure, governance, and membership. Dr Yeo emphasized the importance of collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing among the members of the Association, and he proposed several initiatives to achieve these goals.

The meeting was highly successful, and the attendees were impressed by Dr Yeo's vision and ideas. Thanks to his guidance, the IoT Association was successfully formed, and it has been playing a vital role in promoting the adoption and implementation of IoT technologies in Malaysia.

Dr Yeo's contribution to the establishment of the IoT Association is just one of many examples of his passion and dedication to promoting industrial and digital technologies. Throughout his career, he has been actively involved in various initiatives and organizations that aim to improve the efficiency and productivity of industries through technology adoption. His expertise and leadership have earned him numerous accolades and recognition, and he continues to inspire and influence the industry with his vision and ideas.