IA-Community Generates Enthusiasm and Success at MetalTech / Automex 2023

IA-Community Generates Enthusiasm and Success at MetalTech / Automex 2023

IA-Community Generates Enthusiasm and Success at MetalTech / Automex 2023

Kuala Lumpur, 31st May 2023 - IA-Community, an online media by Communication 21 Media Group and powered by catTHIS, the leading online media platform for the industrial automation sector, proudly participated in the highly anticipated MetalTech / Automex 2023 exhibition. The event, held from 31st May to 3rd June 2023 at the Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur, was met with resounding success and overwhelming visitor engagement. IA-Community's presence at the event marked a triumphant return, receiving enthusiastic responses from attendees eager to join the thriving industrial automation community.


MetalTech / Automex 2023 proved to be a remarkable platform for IA-Community to showcase its revamped offerings and connect with industry professionals. The event was teeming with visitors, and IA-Community received an exceptional response from those who interacted with the team. Excitement was palpable as attendees expressed their keen interest in becoming part of IA-Community and experiencing the benefits it has to offer.

One of the highlights of IA-Community's participation at MetalTech / Automex 2023 was the unveiling of its upcoming flagship programs, the IA-Community Machine Builders Village and IA-Community Procurement Forecast. These initiatives promise to revolutionize the industry by providing a collaborative platform for machine builders, systems integrators, and suppliers to showcase cutting-edge automation solutions and facilitate productive procurement partnerships. The anticipation surrounding these programs was evident as attendees eagerly learned more about IA-Community's future endeavors.

"We are delighted with the overwhelming response and enthusiasm we received at MetalTech / Automex 2023," said Dr (h.c.) Benny Yeo, Founder at IA-Community. "The event served as a remarkable platform for us to reconnect with the industry and ignite a renewed excitement for IA-Community. We are thrilled to witness the keen interest and support from industry professionals who are eager to be part of our vibrant community."

IA-Community's triumphant return to MetalTech / Automex reinforces its commitment to serving the industrial automation sector and empowering professionals within it. With a strong network of industry leaders, IA-Community is poised to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and promote technological advancements that will shape the future of industrial automation.

As IA-Community looks ahead to the future, it will continue to provide extensive media coverage, insightful articles, video productions, and networking opportunities to keep its members informed and connected. IA-Community's commitment to fostering growth and facilitating valuable connections remains unwavering.

About IA-Community:
IA-Community is a leading online media platform dedicated to serving the industrial automation sector. With comprehensive coverage of industry news, insights, and networking opportunities, IA-Community empowers professionals and promotes growth within the industrial automation landscape.