A Milestone Meeting for Global Collaboration

A Milestone Meeting for Global Collaboration

A Milestone Meeting for Global Collaboration!

Today, the Global Confederation of Belt And Road Economic Cooperation, led by our dynamic Secretary-General, Mr. Xu Feng, Dr (h.c.) Benny Yeo (Founder of Communication 21 Media Group), and accompanied by our dedicated delegates, had the privilege of meeting with the distinguished BG (NS) George Yeo, Singapore’s former Foreign Minister. A fervent advocate for the Belt and Road Initiative since its inception, Mr. Yeo’s wisdom and insights have been pivotal in shaping the initiative’s course.

In our enlightening dialogue, Mr. Yeo shared his valuable perspectives on optimizing the Belt and Road Initiative’s reach and efficacy in our region. His strategic advice, drawn from a wealth of experience, offers a roadmap for enhancing our collaborative efforts and achieving shared goals.

This visit marks not just an exchange of ideas but a reinforcement of our commitment to global economic cooperation. The insights gained from BG (NS) George Yeo are not just inspiring but instrumental in guiding our future strategy and actions.

The Global Confederation of Belt And Road Economic Cooperation extends its deepest gratitude to Mr. Yeo for his unyielding support and invaluable contributions. As we move forward, bolstered by his guidance, we remain steadfast in our mission to build a more connected and prosperous global community.